THE PHENOMENON OF FEMINISM'S SUCCESS (Gender Studies of Liberal Feminism and Radical Feminism)

  • Wafa Suci Ningrum IAIN Ponorogo
Keywords: Liberal Feminism, Radical Feminism


The feminist movement originated from women's awareness of oppression and the desire to achieve equal rights and roles with men. To understand the concept of the feminist movement in depth, the focus of the research is narrowed down to the liberal feminism and radical feminism movements and the phenomena that occur in society related to these two schools of feminism. The descriptive-analytical approach in the qualitative research method is used by collecting data from various literatures and articles and observing the social phenomena that occur. The results show that liberal feminism is a movement that fights for women's rights, especially in the fields of education, politics, and roles in the public sphere. On the other hand, radical feminism rejects the institution of family because it tends to oppress women by limiting their rights. Phenomena such as widowhood, celibacy, and childlessness that are rampant in society prove that the feminist movement, especially liberal feminism and radical feminism, has a considerable influence on the fabric of society. Adherents of these phenomena feel that by embracing feminist views, they can be liberated from patriarchal culture while still gaining independent rights over themselves and freely expressing life choices without being bound by obligations to husbands and children.


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